La insoportable pesadez del ser masculino


Algunos hombres son como losas sobre sus compañeras. Cuántas veces he escuchado decir a una mujer mayor: «Señor, acuérdate de él que pueda descansar unos años». Recuerdo incluso una señora que me confesó: «No sé si será pecado pensar que mi marido se muera pero es que me ha dado tan mala vida».



El moralista francés François Marie de L'Ortie dejo escrito que el daño moral de reprimir un deseo es siempre mayor al bien que se procura. Quien no quiera lastimarse deje abierta la puerta a la tentación.



In spite of living in the era of the quantum physics and Internet it is to be human does not want to come off itself his atavic load. Thus it repeats rituals that have little entereza as opposed to their evolution like that of "New Year new life". I always waited for another life but no, there is no another one and I remain with this.
Again I will watch more as people request desires while she eats the grapes, she drinks champaña in heel shoes, releases red underclothes, it express her better desires, congratula to be alive more a year.
Sometimes I have the sensation that I have escaped of the picture of Dorian Gray.



Puedes pensar de ti mismo lo que quieras, pero después a ver cómo lo demuestras.



A taoísta passage refers that those that wish to never change the world in agreement with their desires are successful. For that reason who does not wish to change its reality will prevail.



Luis Cernuda postulated that desire "is a question whose answer does not exist". My friend Antonio Frame, that has made of the seduction an attitude before the life, maintains that when arises the first serious dispute in a love he is better to leave it because the passion has become in misfortune. He maintains that it is possible to be continued but at the cost of finding the answer.

Innocent saints


That nobody takes to deceit. To write, in general, and to publicitar through blog, in individual, are a narcisista exercise or demonstration of exhibicionismo. Any person with decency covers itself with the mantle of the anonymity and the pudor. So, in this world of the binnacles, nobody is innocent. And except that, from their púlpitos blogueros, dares to preach, to anatemizar, to judge and to value the work of the rest.



Tengo un amigo con el que comparto el gusto por la lectura. La última vez que hablamos me contó una de sus estrategias ante tanta palabra escrita.

—Bastantes novelas suelo comenzarlas por el final. Si supieras la de tiempo que me he ahorrado.



Epicurus me espetó: "you do not think that I am as you imagine. The reality spoils the image of many individuals ".

And the Bethlehem mounted

Shutdown of the bus. Lines 12, 14 and 18. Two women maintain a conversation.
- I have bought a Bethlehem of paper in Alcampo by six euros. The San jOse very insolent I have had left and to the virgin Maria I am going to see if I put one to him of those dresses that sell absolutely in the recortables to One hundred. The boy Jesus I have painted it a little with labeller the carita, was very pale.
- I east year have hung of the balcony Noel Papa and a tree, of which they gave in the newspaper, in the hall. And you stop to count.
- and I have already said it to my husband: taken care of where you put the cigarette, you are not going to me to burn Kings Magos.

The feminine voice

I greet with Gerald an enthusiastic one of the scientific subjects. The somewhat haggard encounter as if they took without sleeping and resting some time.
- These patient?
- No, I am exhausted. - Much work, I suppose.
- That it goes - it responds to me -. It is by the voice of my woman. A study published in the medical magazine ` Neurolmagé concludes that the voice of the woman tires to the brain of the man.
- and how it can be that?
- According to the scientists, the feminine sonorous emissions require all the auditory area of the brain, while the masculine ones only act on the subthalamus. To the men it is difficult to maintain a conversation to us prolonged with the women. It is because we distract by the fatigue that produces to us to hear one more a smoother voice and, certain levels, incomprehensible. When dismissing to me I recommend to him that it does not read more magazines of science.


The publicity, much of her, are perverse. In special that that undresses your feelings to you and it exposes them publicly, not to say anything of that other than express, with great plasticity, our dreams.
Seeing a Coca-Cola announcement I realize that formulates the same idea that, of sincere way, many people have pronounced surrounded by friends or relatives. "My true gift you are".
The profligate, the obscene thing of this history is not that those ideas have an echo multimedia, inicuo is that they are used with the highest mercantilista interest to gain thousands of million.
They will not only finish selling our dreams, will finish to us robbing the heart to us.


Maria Adela did a confession to me. "In the love it is not good for being bound to a single person. He is better to have a husband, a lover and a friend. Some of them, in a while given, can serve you as salvation table ".


-It would pass the eternity without leaving Me of mirarte. And it would not be enough.


The good side that they break to you in heart is that later you can distribute the pieces between much people.


While I wait for turn in market two women gave a marital piece to me.
-My husband, sometimes, it says to half of which it thinks and it finishes to think that everything has been understood to him what it has said - refers the first woman -.
-You do not worry, that is telepathy. She is so that you listen to its thoughts, as the women we have the developed brain more than the men.
-That will be- it answers while it becomes towards the tendero and it requests quarter and half to him of chóped.


There are two things in which one is due to be generous until the waste: when one cooks and when it is loved.


Todos los pulgones del rosal son hembras y se reproducen por clonación. En cierta ocasión escuché una tesis feminista que pronosticaba para la humanidad un futuro semejante.


Cada vez que llegamos a finales de año suelen aparecer los (e)videntes. No suelen acertar ningún pronóstico, evidentemente, pero como nadie se acuerda después de lo que han dicho todo se olvida.
La historia de los adivinos la resume una anécdota de la infancia sobre un personaje que siempre acertaba qué tiempo iba a ser al día siguiente.
El hombre del tiempo, como lo llamaba la chavalería, solía aparecer de vez en cuando y predecir con certeza si mañana haría sol, llovería o soplaría fuerte viento.
Años más tarde descubrí en qué basaba su ciencia. El hombre caminaba de un barrio a otro de la ciudad y en cada uno hacía un pronóstico. «Mañana lloverá», decía en un lugar; «tendremos bueno», apuntaba en otra barriada; «soplará el poniente», predecía en otra parte.
Si al día siguiente llovía, por ejemplo, sólo tenía que pasar por aquellos lugares donde anticipó lluvia. Era (e)vidente.


A Diógenes Laercio se le escuchó decir en una ocasión: «A veces hasta parezco un tipo feliz y me sorprende».