Without words


Casimiro had madrugado and passed the day speech that speaks to you, in an inner monólogo. There was been single all the day while it listened to his thoughts without opening the mouth, but did not have the sensation of silence, but the one of to have spoken much. For that reason when it sounded the telephone, to that hour in which it puts the day his light of closing, as soon as it could maintain a conversation because it did not recognize that sound like his own voice.



Cada cierto tiempo los medios de comunicación suelen contar la biografía de algún hombre con una abundante vida amorosa que ha mantenido o mantiene relaciones afectivas con varias mujeres. La historia de la literatura está salpicada igualmente de estos personajes reales o ficticios.

Al parecer la necesidad de mantener el interés sexual depende, mucho más en el hombre que en la mujer, en hallar nuevas relaciones, incapaz de concentrar su atención sólo en el campo afectivo. En cambio en las mujeres es más extraño ver ejemplos como el citado. Interpretaciones del hecho debe haber para todos los gustos.

Frustrated vocation


I had to leave my vocation of humorist in a moment. In concrete it was the day that I watched myself in the mirror and I saw to a serious type that it did not do any grace to me.

Los suicidas van al cielo


Pancho se suicidó esta Navidad porque creía en otra vida. Lo encontraron colgado del limonero del patio de su casa. Días antes le había referido a unos amigos que el camino más recto hacia Dios era quitarse la vida y así lo hizo. Su planteamiento era de una lógica aplastante: «si los buenos van al cielo para gozar de la presencia de Dios y aquello es el Paraíso para qué seguir sufriendo en este perro mundo».



- you always pay attention to the same type of women.
- No, he is not that. To me I like all. The problem is in knowing to whom taste I.
- Clear and then the discardings come.
- No, one is to offer itself to see if there is demand. I have always had man vocation kleenex. An uncle to use and to throw.



Clear symptoms of change of state:

The first time that speaks to you of you.
If somebody is stopped in front of you, it salutes to you, speaks to you familiarly, it goes away and you do not know who is.
When they say to you if your fellow worker is your daughter.
If you need a change image.
When returning to a site where you used to pass it well and no longer she is the same.
Whenever you forget the name a person of certain interest that has presented/displayed to you. If, in spite of the persistence, you do not remember how that so good film was called.
When you begin to confuse the dates.
If your dreams are nightmares.
When you watch the mirror and you do not say either "I am so bad for the age that I have".
If you think "amanece that it is not little".



El español Jorge Santayana precisó, según el gran alephista Jorge Luis Borges, que «vivir es perder tiempo: nada podemos recobrar o guardar sino bajo formas de eternidad». Borges concluyó que «la vida es demasiado pobre para no ser también inmortal». Dos versos de ‘Lamento por el sapo de Stanley Hook’ del poeta Juan Gelman advierten que «hay quien vive como si fuera inmortal/ otros se cuidan como si valieran la pena». Y Macedonio Luna, poeta teosófico, amparado en la concepción interior que del tiempo tenía San Agustín, expresó que la eternidad es un fluido anímico que dosifica el reloj biológico de la existencia.

The book of the Experience


Elsa has a certain fatality for the men. It looks for them of a style that does not go anything to him. It knows it but it insists because it says that it cannot resist to it. Its destiny of disasters repeats and, in appearance, it seems that it likes to suffer because beforehand it knows that it will be the one who puts more, that loves more. To Elsa a red pilotito ignites to him when it sees appear to his masculine prototype. As of that moment always it loses the head. Whenever it tells me a new disaster I decide the song Andalusian to me whom she affirms: "Er book of esperensia/ him sirbe to the man and ná;/ does not have ar finá sentencia;/ and nobody yega ar finá".

The soccer players prefer blondes


More than the fifty by the way of the women of the soccer players they are blond (two thirds of them thanks to the cosmetic one). Of this percentage seventy and the three by the way are spouses of the calls elite soccer players. Intrigued by the phenomenon I asked a day an even girl of a soccer player. "In the world of soccer you have arreglarte enough because the women of the soccer players usually we pay attention much to others", it explained to me.

The bad conscience


I think like Charles W. Dechand that the social evolution is possible if those conducts marginalize that parasitan or produce break in the communal property. I talk about to that the conscious group would have to be less permissible with picaresque conducts (to remember the amount of given individuals of loss by a simulated disease), aggressive, irrespetuosas or chulescas. Ours it is a society that allows the coexistence, in normality, of harmful elements to the colectivity, in front of which they isolate them or they estigmatizan them.

La insoportable pesadez del ser masculino


Algunos hombres son como losas sobre sus compañeras. Cuántas veces he escuchado decir a una mujer mayor: «Señor, acuérdate de él que pueda descansar unos años». Recuerdo incluso una señora que me confesó: «No sé si será pecado pensar que mi marido se muera pero es que me ha dado tan mala vida».



El moralista francés François Marie de L'Ortie dejo escrito que el daño moral de reprimir un deseo es siempre mayor al bien que se procura. Quien no quiera lastimarse deje abierta la puerta a la tentación.



In spite of living in the era of the quantum physics and Internet it is to be human does not want to come off itself his atavic load. Thus it repeats rituals that have little entereza as opposed to their evolution like that of "New Year new life". I always waited for another life but no, there is no another one and I remain with this.
Again I will watch more as people request desires while she eats the grapes, she drinks champaña in heel shoes, releases red underclothes, it express her better desires, congratula to be alive more a year.
Sometimes I have the sensation that I have escaped of the picture of Dorian Gray.



Puedes pensar de ti mismo lo que quieras, pero después a ver cómo lo demuestras.



A taoísta passage refers that those that wish to never change the world in agreement with their desires are successful. For that reason who does not wish to change its reality will prevail.



Luis Cernuda postulated that desire "is a question whose answer does not exist". My friend Antonio Frame, that has made of the seduction an attitude before the life, maintains that when arises the first serious dispute in a love he is better to leave it because the passion has become in misfortune. He maintains that it is possible to be continued but at the cost of finding the answer.

Innocent saints


That nobody takes to deceit. To write, in general, and to publicitar through blog, in individual, are a narcisista exercise or demonstration of exhibicionismo. Any person with decency covers itself with the mantle of the anonymity and the pudor. So, in this world of the binnacles, nobody is innocent. And except that, from their púlpitos blogueros, dares to preach, to anatemizar, to judge and to value the work of the rest.



Tengo un amigo con el que comparto el gusto por la lectura. La última vez que hablamos me contó una de sus estrategias ante tanta palabra escrita.

—Bastantes novelas suelo comenzarlas por el final. Si supieras la de tiempo que me he ahorrado.



Epicurus me espetó: "you do not think that I am as you imagine. The reality spoils the image of many individuals ".

And the Bethlehem mounted

Shutdown of the bus. Lines 12, 14 and 18. Two women maintain a conversation.
- I have bought a Bethlehem of paper in Alcampo by six euros. The San jOse very insolent I have had left and to the virgin Maria I am going to see if I put one to him of those dresses that sell absolutely in the recortables to One hundred. The boy Jesus I have painted it a little with labeller the carita, was very pale.
- I east year have hung of the balcony Noel Papa and a tree, of which they gave in the newspaper, in the hall. And you stop to count.
- and I have already said it to my husband: taken care of where you put the cigarette, you are not going to me to burn Kings Magos.